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The Jonathan Young Windmill is historically unique, with all of its early parts and machinery intact, far more than many others which have been substantially altered through restoration efforts. This mill was authentically restored by volunteers and donations through the efforts of the Orleans Historical Society over a two year period.
Water power was first used to turn millstones to grind grain but with the shortage of fast running rivers and streams, Cape Codders turned to the wind for power. This windmill was built in the early 1700's in South Orleans. By 1839 it was moved to overlook the Town Cove on the present hillside site of The Governor Prence Motor Inn on Rt 6A. During the recent restoration it was relocated to the small park on the shore of Town Cove where it stands today.
Read an historical account of this mill and restoration project HERE.
Author / Naturalist Henry David Thoreau was fascinated by our windmills: "Being on elevated ground, and high in themselves they serve as landmarks - for there are no tall trees."
In 1990 the Orleans Historical Society donated the Windmill to the town as part of the "Town Cove Park".

The Jonathan Young Windmill, located on Route 6A on the Town Cove, and is open to the public July and August. A mill stone re-discovered in 2012 can be seen displayed at the rear of the Bank of America located 30 South Orleans Road. The stone is presumed to be from the Jonathan Young.
For information on facility use of the windmill contact the Town of Orleans Parks and Beaches Department
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